OUT NOW: You Were You

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Haunting yet hopeful, “You Were You” is a ukulele-fronted indie folk song that searches for perspective through painful truths. We hope you enjoy this acoustic version.

Please stay tuned: The electro folk version with Piero Peluche will be dropping on December 6th!

You Were You” is available from the following sites+:

Apple Music
Google Play

p.s. Visit Thinkroot Records to use this track for your project!

2 Responses

  1. Lee Hill

    Kara, thank you for your musical and artistic talents that describe the pain-sadness and joy when I visit your dad. “You Were You” speaks to brokenness that is the hallmark of dementia. Lee

    • Kara Square

      Hi Lee– thank you so much for listening, understanding, and always being there for my dad and my family. It means everything.💗